Friday, October 23, 2015

Professional Development Upgrade

I wrote a post earlier about flipping Staff Meetings. Today we are ending our first nine weeks and our admin team decided to put a little spend on our Early Release Days!

This year we implemented Blended Learning. Our teachers are using the station rotation model and a few are using the flip model. We decided for our Early Release Day Professional Development, we will continue with a Blended Learning model...The Flex Model.

The Flex Model - the Clayton Christensen Institute defines the Flex Model as a model which online learning is the backbone of learning. In the Flex Model, students move on an individually customized schedule.

Our staff was given a list of options to create their own Personal Learning Path that correlates to their own professional and personal growth plans. The choices were created based on our school's vision, mission, and SMART goals.

Staff could choose from Ted Talks, Webinars, Readings, Staff Led Sessions, or collaboration with other staff members. Each staff member had to create choices that was at least two hours and complete an action plan.

A Few Results...More to come on Monday! Stay tune!