I got the black/grey sports band 42 mm. I must say that I am loving all the features thus far. I am still learning how to use it and what apps would help me with balancing everything. So far this is what I am loving about the watch...
1. Instant calendar notifications on my wrist. No more looking at my phone to see what meetings I have.
2. Speak to text feature...I can reply to messages and emails with the speak to text feature. This will make responding to all my emails I receive at work within seconds. It may look crazy of me talking to my wrist, but they'll get over it.
3. I can use Keynote and Powerpoint on my Watch to control my presentations. How awesome is that.
4. The Apple Watch works well with Outlook...it allows me to view both my emails and calendar in one location.

5. The most amazing function of the Apple Watch is using IFTTT. This wonderful app is called If Then Then This. It gives your phone and Apple Watch the opportunity to be your personal assistant.
As an administrator, I am using DO Note with my Apple Watch to create Google Docs, add to my Google Calendar, and add to Google Spreadsheets using the speak to text feature. Check out this video from Paul Hamilton. This is where it all began...
This will definitely save me time, when I want to type a document for our staff or just a note for me. I am a fan of Google Drive, so this added feature is a bonus for me.

I am using IF to give me instant notifications throughout the day for everything from meeting reminders, weather notifications, meditation reminders, and more. I plan to be a 21st Century educator. It's a simple way to connect between products you use every day. So far I have created a connection when I Tweet, it is posted to FB; when I post a pic to Instagram, it is posted to FB and Twitter; a Google Spreadsheet that curates all Tweets from @God_Loved (you can choose whatever); a SMS to my phone when the weather calls for rain; and when I blog, it will automatically post to my FB and Twitter account.
I will continue to play around with the If-Thens later! I am just learning this, but I used YouTube Tutorials for ifttt to guide me through the process. It was very easy.

If you have an Apple Watch and have some other ways it can help administrators or educators, please
leave your best Apple Watch App in the comments below...