Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thoughtful Thursday

When I read The Principal 50 and Lead Like a Pirate, I began to reflect on my purpose. I questioned my purpose and my passion. I asked myself many questions to ensure that this journey was not about me, but about the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students and teachers.  The question that I really struggled with was: Am I making an IMPACT? It took me a while to answer that question because I was unsure. Daily posting on social media is my way of providing others with an opportunity to share my journey. And it was social media that gave me my answer. In the book Lead Like a Pirate, the authors discuss the power of your words. Rather verbally or written, your words have power. I received an message in my inbox about the power of my words. It was at that moment that I realized that I lead not just the students I serve or the staff I support, I lead in my daily walk. I encourage you to be intentional about what you do and say because even when you don't think you are leading you are...and that is true leadership. 

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