Tuesday, November 28, 2017

FOCUS Walkthroughs

We all know that it is critical that we are training our teachers in the latest research based strategies to give them an opportunity to be great for our students. Pouring into a teacher the knowledge required to be successful helps ignite their passion, purpose, and pursuit of excellence. It is a fact that professional development is an important factor in student achievement. They also help improve a teacher's performance levels. Professional development opportunities should be ongoing and aligned with the district's and school's goals. It is important that we invest in our teachers. The investment have a return called student achievement.

So how would you know when your teachers need training? That's easy...visit classrooms and then provide feedback. Daily walkthroughs should be informal and are essential in being able to identify what teachers need to be their best in the classroom. Spend as much time in the classrooms as possible. Start your week with a list of at least 5 classrooms you will visit each day. Walkthroughs should be no longer than 5 minutes. Pick one or two focus areas and only focus on that during your walkthroughs. Your goal is to FOCUS on specific things that teachers can work on each week to become a better version of them.

In one of my PLN groups, I decided to participate in the 500 walkthrough challenge. That's right, complete 500 walkthroughs this year...in 180 days!  I decided to call these FOCUS Walks -nonjudgmental and non-evaluative opportunities for growth. 

Find a few things to focus your walkthrough on.
Observe your focus area of the walkthrough.
Create a list of strengths and weaknesses.
Utilize the students to share what they are learning.
Send the teacher specific feedback on the walkthrough

You can create a Google Form and use Autocrat to create a feedback form, leave a post-note, or leave feedback using your Rocketbook Everlast. Your feedback should be specific and over ways for teachers to grow professionally.

I decided to take our observations and break them down to use for the FOCUS Walks. Each week I will focus on a standard and integrate our district's CCRP to help grow teachers. Using the Google Form, I am able to use Autocrat to create an automatic feedback form to share with teachers.


I am an aspiring educational leader. Please view my Educational Portfolio if you are interested in an innovative instructional leader to lead and inspire, feel free to contact me.

Copyright 2017 Felecia Young
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 25, 2017


“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”
- Harvey S. Firestone
Let’s face it, great teachers create great students. One of the most important duty we have as as administrator is creating great teachers.
Over the past few weeks I completed my first rounds of observations. I always make sure that I am as detailed as I can be as the observer. If we want our teachers to grow, we must give them the essential tools that they need.
Following observations it’s important we prove them with feedback. Your feedback should be specific and an opportunity to open a powerful dialogue.
I have tried Glow and Grow, SWOT, and other forms of feedback tools. This year I began SOAR (c). SOAR stands for
S - Strengths observed during the observation.
O - Opportunities for Strategies to Use. Instead of discussing negatives, share with teachers ways to grow or provide strategies to use that goes with school goals. This area you can provide books, online PD, webinars, activities, etc.
A - Area of Focus from PDP. Each year teaches write their Professional Development Plans. This is a great area for us to provide support and resources for teachers to accomplish their goals.
R - Recommendatios from Admin is the opportunity for the teacher to discuss ways we can assist them in thei growth.

It’s important that we remember:
“Personal growth and professional development require mostly being treated like an adult, which is pretty much the opposite of what happens in most workplaces. People need to be able to make decisions. To do that effectively, they need information and training in how to use it.”
- Jeffrey Pfeffer

I am an aspiring educational leader. Please view my Educational Portfolio if you are interested in an innovative instructional leader to lead and inspire.

Copyright 2017 Felecia Young
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Glitter Trails - Sparkle to Inspire

It's been a while since I have written a post, but I am back. The start of this school year as been overwhelming. During the start of the new year I find myself inspiring others to be their best, encouraging them to keep pushing forward, and motivating them.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch

We all have this special magical dust that is ignited by our passion, purpose, and pursuit of excellence. This magical dust creates innovation that sparks excitement in all. My life’s experiences forced me to look at life through rainbow lens. It provided me with an opportunity to not only to make the impossible possible for me, but for those I lead.

It took every success and failure on my journey for me to become the leader I am today. It is this journey that I call my glitter trail. A trail that sparkles and left a little shine...also known to many as inspiration. My passion is inspiring others. It is my purpose, what I was put on this earth to do.

As andministrator I inspire others to be the best version of them, or at least I try to. When you have unleashed the creativity and talent of others and they are able to look through rainbow lenses knowing the impossible is possible...you have inspired them. Through my actions, my daily walk, I leave a little sparkle every I go...it’s called a glitter trail.

Leadership is the ability for others to use your actions to become a better version of themselves. How can you lead genuinely without being an inspiration? Through your leadership, your ability to inspire others is essential to their growth. Staff, students, and parents need to see your failures, because the lesson is in the strength you are using to win. THE FAILURES INSPIRES. It’s okay for them to see you struggle because the lesson in the dedication you used to reach you success. THE STRUGGLE INSPIRES. It’s okay for them to see you make mistakes because the the lesson is in your ability to try again. THE MISTAKES INSPIRES.

As John Quincy Adams states, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

Your journey and every experience you have along the way creates your sparkle and shine.  Sharing your journey creates the glitter trail people follow to see hope in their own journey. Glitter trails inspires, motivates, and empowers others. So sparkle for your team!

Show your continuous appreciation for the things your team do.
Provide and invest in resources in growing your team.
Recognize individual strengths and potentials of each person on your team.
Know your team on a personal level.
Lead by example.
Encourage your team to be take risks without fear.

I love being aN administrator because I have the power to inspire others. The best part of this journey for me is the sparkle. Along the way there will be some ups and downs, but it is important that you are celebrating through the journey to help keep the sparkle.

Copyright 2017 Felecia Young
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Leading Like A Pirate

One of my best reads this summer was Lead Like a Pirate. When I say this book had me on fire, it did. The words on each page was so inspiring and empowering. I felt connected to both Beth and Shelley.

This is a challenge to write a blog that talks about the treasures you found in the book and 5 things you will commit to doing differently this year.
Lead Like a Pirate will ignite a burning passion inside you to becomes impossible to extinguish. I've gotten so excited about leading it keeps me up at night. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning. The anticipation of what gifts you will receive makes you so excited you can barely sleep. As I anxiously await for my moment to lead, this is how I feel.

This year I commit to:
(1.) Creating  a school where my students and staff are excited to come in and not out. Creating uncommon experiences.
(2.) Making strategic and intentional decisions to ensure I am doing #1 and #2.
(3.) Providing 21st PD for staff to help them grow.
(4.) Dropping ANCHORS for my staff to always show my appreciation.
(5.) Leading Like a PIRATE!

This was such a powerful book and I'm so thankful I had a chance to read it. Their is inspiration on every page. I will immerse myself in the powerful words written in this book to ensure I'm being an inspiration to others.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

An Open Letter to Educators

Dear Educators,

Our summer is slowly coming to an end. Some of us worked all summer preparing for our students. From lesson plans to opening day activities, we have been looking on Pinterest, Teachers Pay Teachers, and Twitter to gather ideas. In your preparation, take the time to reflect on your WHY! Why am I in education?

Your answer to this question should be your daily driven purpose. It should be the foundation of your passion (Discover your passion.) and your pursuit for excellence. The 3 P’s! Write down your Why and post it everywhere as a daily reminder.

Knowing your WHY and having a vision of your purpose, passion, and pursuit will help you bring the best you to school everyday. I challenge you to use your purpose to drive every decision you make, passion to be a champion for every student, and your pursuit to excellence to persevere.

Bring an attitude to school each day that create an experience-riched atmosphere that will motivate and inspire students to want to be at school. These experiences should include holistic relationships, engaging lessons, and fun!  Create a school experience that will make our students want to be at school everyday.

Let your purpose inspire, your passion ignite, and your pursuit empower our students to excellence everyday.

Consciously make an effort everyday to bring your best you to school. Despite what we may be going through, our students deserve it! It is our obligation to provide our students with an educational experience that inspires them.

Here's a presentation to use with your teachers on discovering their WHY!
Know You Why Presentation

Felecia Young
Twitter: @FITinEDU

Note-taking of the Future

I have spent the summer reading and listening to many webinars on my quest to growing professionally. As I read and listened, it ignited a burning fire inside me. My passion for my WHY grew even more.

As a 21st century instructional leader, I intentionally tried to find ways to take notes that allows me to model instructional strategies I can share with teachers in the classroom. My motto this year is Leading with Intentionality. I want everything that I do to be for a purpose.

My first few books I read was reading and note taking traditionally. Then I discovered Book Snaps by Tara M. Martin. I loved doing the Book Snaps and think students will find it enjoyable.

I also did he traditional, writing what I learned in a notebook...I created tabs and everything. That was not exciting....

I am a part of some wonderful PLNs and it was there that I heard of the RocketBook. OMG! Let me tell you that I was intrigued. I googled it and then went to Amazon to purchase. I was sold. In 2 days I got my treasure and I was in love.

There are different kinds and sizes. I decided to get the Everlast. The Everlast notebook provides a classic pen and paper experience. I chose The Everlast because it is  endlessly reusable and connected to all of my favorite cloud services. 

One pen came with it, but I purchase the colorful pens for about $10. When you write using any pen from the Pilot Frixion line, the writing sticks to Everlast pages like regular paper. But add a drop of water… and the notebook erases like magic.

The Everlast notebook is compatible with the Rocketbook app. That means before my notes go off the page they go online to destinations like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Evernote — perfectly organized. You know me, I send it to Google Drive!

I always wanted to do Sketch Notes, so I found myself listening to a few webinars and sketch noting all weekend. I was able to listen and doodle at the same time! #winning I scanned each page into the RocketBook app, it was sent to my Google Drive, and I wiped the marks away to begin again.

The Rocketbook for me is a great way to take notes, share them quickly, and you don't have to worry about looking for a notebook to find your notes. Just go to Google and you have them all the time. The app also files your pages, so you have them there and can share them to Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, and via email! Administrators, teachers, and students can benefit from the notebook from the future! I think I am going to order my daughter one. She will be in 9th grade and this would definitely help her organize her notes and prevent the clutter of multiple notebooks.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Leading with Coffee and PJs

As an instructional leader it is very important you are providing your staff with opportunities to learn and grow professionally. This summer I challenged myself to indulge in as much educational reading and online PD to grow as leader. I want to inspire others to become lifelong learners also.

In the book Lead Like a Pirate and one of my PLNs I learned of the digital newsletter Smore. The administrator who shared Smore stated that she uses it as her quickly newsletter and include an article for teachers to read. I started playing around with it to see how I could implement Smore this school year and it came to me...

I can use Smore to share mini PD to my staff. What a great way to provide them with things they can view or read to help them grow professionally. While trying to find the best title for the newsletter, I came across the picture...

It is not my own, but I decided to use it as the title for the newsletter: PD in PJs. So as I sit here writing a few blog post, I will end my "Me Time" this morning with a little PD and coffee (and yes I am still in my PJs).

What a great tool to use as a 21st Educational Leader to promote lifelong learners in your building! I will provide literacy, math, tech, and an article for educators to use to grow professionally. As we begin school, observations allow me to intentionally create the PD to share. Check our Edition 1:

Smore - PD in your PJs Series:

We are back with One Word - LIMITLESS

Took a little break to rejuvenate...my Vitamin Sea was the best.

I spent time basking in the sun and listening to ocean while reflecting on my 2017-2018 journey. While reflecting I decided to create one word that would be my focus word the remainder of the year and for the 2017-2018 school year. I needed a word that would intentionally drive me in all areas of life. Something that would get me through no matter what I was going through. My goal was to find a word that would keep me focus on my goals. 

Over the last several weeks prior to my reflection God provided hints through posts on a social media page, readings, thoughts, or conversations what my my one word should be.

It was not until I returned home that I realized the word was LIMITLESS. A word I used a week ago to promote a Young Panache sale. Although I already seen  and used the word, I didn't know it would be my "one word".

Many of us have experience ups and downs in our lives and have gotten to the place where we want to give up. We must remember that, we are LIMITLESS and that We Can Do All Things - Philippians 4:13.

Sometimes through our walk, we may feel that God is distant from us,  Joshua 1:9 reminds us that He is right there with us no matter what (LIMITLESS). Through all of the pain and suffering you are going through, there is hope. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

Limitless - Philippians 4:13
The Midnight Wrap - Joshua 1:9

If you are interested in the I Can Do All Things bracelet and Midnight Wrap, check out Elevated Faith:
Here is a code to get 10% off! Code: FYoung15

I challenge you to reflect and create one word that will be your focus word. Write it down, post it, wear it, do whatever you can to be able to remind yourself daily of your focus word. Share your one word with others on social media (#oneword) this is a create hashtag to check to get inspired. As an administrator this can be a great Back to School activity for your staff and even students. You can create a mural that have all of your school's one word to showcase. It can also be one word that provides your school with it's vision and mission.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thoughtful Thursday

When I read The Principal 50 and Lead Like a Pirate, I began to reflect on my leadership...my purpose. I questioned my purpose and my passion. I asked myself many questions to ensure that this journey was not about me, but about the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students and teachers.  The question that I really struggled with was: Am I making an IMPACT? It took me a while to answer that question because I was unsure. Daily posting on social media is my way of providing others with an opportunity to share my journey. And it was social media that gave me my answer. In the book Lead Like a Pirate, the authors discuss the power of your words. Rather verbally or written, your words have power. I received an message in my inbox about the power of my words. It was at that moment that I realized that I lead not just the students I serve or the staff I support, I lead in my daily walk. I encourage you to be intentional about what you do and say because even when you don't think you are leading you are...and that is true leadership. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Talk About It Tuesday

It's Talk About It Tuesday and we are talking about the book 
The Principal 50 by Principal Kafele!

prin 50 rewick

I will use the acronym FISH (c) to convey my thoughts...

First thoughts...

Impact of the reading on...
Summary of the chapters, reading, etc...
How will I use this to grow...

First Thoughts:
This was such an awesome read! I created a Book Study on Facebook of this awesome book and will share the link below under resources. The book was an easy read. The book is written for new administrators and those currently in administrator roles.

Impact of the Reading:
The book has 10 chapters that includes 50 different questions regarding the principalship. The definitely made an impact on my personal vision and the goals I would like to accomplish as an educational leader. Each question made me stop and reflect on thoughts and views.

Summary of the Reading:
I don't want to give away to much, but check out our The Principal 50 Book Study to get views from other administrators about each chapter! The Principal 50 Facebook Book Study

How will I use this book to grow?
This book has motivated me to begin preparing for the next phase in my educational journey. As an aspiring instructional leader, I need to make sure I take the content from the text to ensure I am doing whatever I can ti ensure student success.

I would strongly suggest any aspiring administrator to read this book. Reflect on these questions...

Some of my important take-aways: (In no particular order)
1. The mission of the principalship begins once you have made a decision to become a principal.
2. Your vision must inspire excellence by helping students and staff to envision it in action.
3. Despite the challenges our school will be successful because I am the leader!
4. Be guided by a set of beliefs about student learning rooted in sound research as well as genuine personal experience.
5. The mission is: Student Achievement and Improvement of Instruction
6. Helps teachers grow professionally with PD - Use staff meetings for PD!
7. You are the primary instructional leader.
8. Integral part of your day is classroom observations. Make it a priority to do it and provide feedback.
9. Feedback is what enables teachers to grow and improve.
10. Improvement is possible!
11. Establish a true collegial bond.
12. Morning messages should inform, inspire, and empower.
13. Give a "State of the School" address.
14. You must see yourself as the #1 determinant of success or failure of your students.
15. Your leadership is your mission.
16. Think and act with intentionality.
17. Create parent activities that are a powerful synergy with students achievement as the goal.
18. You must believe that every single student who walks through the doors of the school can not only succeed, but excel.
19. Everything that happens in your school is a data point.
20. Salient Data - Tardies, Attendance, Discipline, and Academic Achievement

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thoughtful Thursday

Remember, that it is not about the final destination, it's about the journey. What happens when you have reached a goal you have set for yourself? You celebrate, rejoice, and then that's it. You move on to set another goal to work on. The destination is just one moment in time. The amazing part is the journey. The journey is when you learn life lessons. When people speak about their success, they first tell you about their journey it took to get there. Many success stories include a journey filled with  struggles, mistakes, heartbreaks, disappointments, and trials. It is in those moments that creates  strength and resilience. In my journey in education, the struggle was...(and still) real. I don't let those moments of disappointments and struggles stop me. I realized long time ago, that I experience certain things for His purpose. This journey is not about me...and that is why it is not about the final destination. I live to inspire, motivate, and empower others through my journey. Through your journey walk tall and hold your head high. Even in the darkness...don't get discouraged...your journey is so much more!

Don't forget to #GETINSPIRED4EDU with the  THE INSP!RE BOX:
Check us out: THE INSP!RE BOX

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

What is your purpose?

I just finished reading The Principal 50 by Principal Kafele. Chapter 1 begin's with the question... "Do I lead with a definite purpose that drives everything I say and do?"

My Purpose:
It is my responsibility to positively promote education; to motivate each child to learn; to build a holistic educational community; to inspire, motivate, and empower educators. 

What is your purpose?

Read more about my educational philosophy...my mission, vision, and goals at Felecia M Young.

Don't forget to subscribe for your inspire book for August. Are vendors are creating amazing Back to School products for you. Check out a sneak peek at:

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Talk About It Tuesday - Lost at School Review

It's Talk About It Tuesday again and I am finishing up the book: Lost at School by Dr. Ross Greene

I will use the acronym FISH (c) to convey my thoughts...

First thoughts...

Impact of the reading on...
Summary of the chapters, reading, etc...
                           How will I use this to grow...

The final few chapters of the book continued to talk about Plan B with the story continuing. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and will definitely implement Plan B with a few of our students. As I continued reading the book, I imagine collaborating with a few of our students to help solve problems. 

I'm so excited I read this book and look forward to seeing how Plan B will help our students. Below are my final notes...it focuses on Plan B more in detail...

Plan B - Collaborative Problem Solving - From the book Lost at School by Dr. Ross Greene

Kids become fully invested in solving the problems and the solutions are more durable when they participate in Collaborative Problem Solving. Students learn the skills they were lacking during the collaborative problem solving process.

Plan B has 3 Ingredients:
  1. Empathy - involves gathering information so as to achieve the clearest understanding of the student's concern or perspective about a given unsolved problem. The goal is to gather information and achieve an understanding of the student's concern. Begins with a neutral observation ("I've noticed that...) and on initial inquiry
  2. Define the Problem - involves entering the adult concern or perspective on the same unsolved problem into consideration. Often, the concern is related to how the problem or behavior is affecting either the individual or other' sin the student's environment.
  3. Invitation - involves having the adult and student brainstorm solutions so as to arrive at a plan of action that is both realistic and mutually satisfactory (a solution that addresses both concerns and that both parties can actually do.

Plan B can be used with individual students or with an entire class. It builds healthy relationships with challenging students and  will create a healthy community in the classroom. Healthy relationships is build through collaboration and the key part of Plan B allowing teachers to speak with students and not at students.

Schools can use Plan B in two ways:

Emergency - Used at the time the student is beginning to show signs of challenging behaviors.

Proactive - Get the goal solved or skill taught proactively before it comes up again.

In summary, Plan B fulfills five goals:

Goal 1: Pursue unmet expectations and ensure that your concerns about a given student's challenges are addressed.

Goal 2: Solve problems in a collaboration, mutually satisfactory and durable way.

Goal 3: Teach students the skills they are lacking.

Goal 4: Reduce Challenging behavior.

Goal 5: Create a helping relationship.

Next week for Talk About It Tuesday, I will share what I learned from a few other books I read... The Principal 50 and What Great Principals Do Differently

Friday, June 23, 2017

Feature Friday Blog Spotlight

This week's Feature Friday Blog Spotlight is Leslie Kinard (she also have a Vlog)

Leslie is an educational leader in the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina. She is passionate about working with administrators, teachers, and students to prepare today's students for tomorrow's future. She love what she get to do every day and believe in the power of connected and intentional leadership. Leslie's dedication to education, leadership, and social justice fuel her love of learning as well as pushes her to continue to grow as an individual and contributor to her community and the world.

Connect with Her: 
Email: kinardleslie@gmail.com
Twitter:  @lmkinard
Voxer:  lmkinard