Monday, June 12, 2017

SWOT Analyzing and Reflecting

It's great getting back to blogging. Since it is the end of the school year, I have time to dedicate to blogging...sharing MY FIT!

This post is to provide you with a strategy to promote self-reflection with your staff, student, or even yourself. I love to use SWOT when I need to reflect on myself as an individual, a project I am working on, or even my career.

So what is SWOT?
SWOT analysis is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a structured planning method that evaluates the 4 elements of an organization, project, or business venture. The SWOT analysis is a tool that can be used for a company, product, place, industry, or person.

As an administrator, we often find ourselves reflecting on our profession, assisting teachers on reflecting on a lesson or skills, or even reflecting on how a certain program or processes is working.

I have used SWOT in many situations that involved self-reflection or for a teacher after an observation. SWOT allows us to reflect on what is working, what is not working, what opportunities do you have to grow, and what could be stopping you from growing.

Here are a few ways you can use SWOT:


What STRENGTHS do you?
What WEAKNESSES NEEDS do you need to improve?
What OPPORTUNITIES I was provided or will look into to reach my goals?
What THREATS hinder me from reaching my goals?

Teacher Observation

What were your STRENGTHS in the lesson? (What went well?)
What were your WEAKNESS in the lesson? (What could have been better?)
What OPPORTUNITIES provided you to be successful?
What THREATS hinder you from being successful during the lesson?

Student Behavior

What are your overall STRENGTHS as a student at school? (What do you do well?)
What are your WEAKNESSES? (What areas can you do better in?)
What OPPORTUNITIES are you provided to make the right decisions?
What THREATS hinder you from making the right decisions?

Don't forget we begin our Book Study: Building Mathematical Comprehension on June 22. Check it out:

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