Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thoughtful Thursday

What a true statement! No significant learning will occur without a significant relationship first. As an educator it is our number one priority to get to know our students. We must realize that before we can provide students with the content, we must provide them with a caring, genuine relationship. Building rapport with students is the key to their success and growth in and out of the classroom.

Here are a few ways to a build a relationship with students:
1. Smile and greet them each morning.
2. Share stories about your life with them.
3. Ask them about their personal interests.
4. Have community meetings/morning meetings/family meetings.
5. Write positive notes or make positive phone calls home.
6. Acknowledge their efforts.
7. Respect your students.
8. Start each day fresh.
9. Eat lunch with them.
10. Don't yell!

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